Saturday, May 28, 2016

Why Agroterrorism is more real than you think (or want to believe)

Glenn Schmitt, director of the Office of Research and Data at the U.S. Sentencing Commission and the former acting director of the National Institute of Justice, wrote an article in the May/June 2006 issues of Sheriffs magazine titled Argo-terrorism-Why We're Not Ready: A Look at the Role of Law Enforcement

What Mr. Schmitt writes about is the breadbasket of America, farms, ranches and feedlots. While the very thought conjures up blue collar images as old as the country itself.  Unfortunately when we drill down past those quintessential images, a very troubling fact comes to the surface. These ranches, feedlots and farms are open and unprotected. I was inspired by a recent drive down route 44 in Oklahoma. After the initial shock of the unparalleled beauty  of the rolling country side, the emergency manager in me realized what this article is talking about. In a country where the populace has become upset at the thought of going to the market to buy groceries to make food, the impact of a agroterrorism event would be disastrous.
Schmitt explains the worries of an event such as this. "Argoterrorism experts are especially concerned about the introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into the food supply. Twenty times more infectious than smallpox, the disease cause painful blisters on the tongues, hooves, and teats of cloven-hoofed animals-cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, deer. This renders them unable to walk, give milk, eat, and drink. Although people generally cannot contract the disease, they can carry the virus in their lungs up to48 hours and transmit it to animals., The animal-to-animal airborne transmission range is 50 miles."

As Schmitt continues to describe the impact "With millions of farms, open fields, and feedlots in the United States, the introduction of foot and mouth disease would require the mass slaughter and disposal of infected animals. An outbreak could halt the domestic and international sale of meat and meat products for years. Foot-and-mouth disease in 2001 in the United Kingdom affected 9,000 farms and required the destruction of more than 4,000,000 cows. Researchers believe that a similar outbreak in the United States would cost taxpayers up to $60 billion."

As that last line indicate, argoterrorism is not meant to be an act of violence against livestock but an attack on the economic stability of the United States. A study funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) identify five groups that could pose threats to our agricultural industry:
  1. International Terrorist
  2. Domestic Terrorist
  3. Militant animal rights groups
  4. Economic opportunists seeking financial gain as a result of a change in market prices
  5. Disgruntled employees seeking revenge 
Whether or not the theory that most grocery stores have only a three days supply of food is completely accurate, this article does point the thread that our food supply system rely on. If any dramatic events happen, panic sets in. Take a moment to think of the effects of lost $60 billion dollars of cattle, considering how dependent we are on meat here in America. Everyone reading this article has had this experience, either with a hurricane, snowstorm or when your sent to the store to get ice on 4th of July weekend.

What can you do to avoid this and be able to ensure you and your family can outlast the initial rush?

According to
  • Store at least three days of non-perishable food (Any type of canned good will do, lean towards to protein packed like black beans.)
  • Avoid foods that will make you thirsty
These are the basics, but to take it to one additional level (that's the point here)

  • Find a local farmer's market. Not to get all super hipster on you, but local is always better. If your relying on meat from Texas and you live in New Hampshire, then your susceptible to an argoterrorism event. Also, develop relationship with these local farmers (networking never hurts, potential barter partners in the future)  
  • If you have the ability to, look into having a small garden, or even look into having some backyard chickens 
  • Reduce meat in your diet. Breath, we Americans love meat, myself included. My suggestion is that if you can get yourself use to being less dependent on any specific food group, the more adaptable you will be if these scenarios play out. 
  • Look into acquiring camping foods. Mountain House is a great option. The choices are great, the prices are very reasonable in comparison to Wise Company. 

This threat is out there, and it is not well known. We are blessed here in this country to be able to get virtually any food we want at anytime. While it should be enjoyed, we should not take advantage of it. Learn to be as self-sufficient as possible, so you can blunt the impact of a disasterous event like this.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

A fun little post about me

Good Saturday Morning Everyone,

This outpost can get pretty dark and frankly paranoid. So to give a little levity and to give you a little bit of insight into myself. I am a Marvel Cinematic Universe fanboy. That being said, here is a quick top ten:

1) The Avengers: This is the first time we see them all together, nuff said.

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier: This film made Captain America cool, which qualifies top potentially be number 1. This film saved Phase 2.

3) Iron Man: The godfather of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) RDJ sets the standard

4) Captain American: Civil War: This movie really opened the doors at the concept of comic books on screen. As a short time hard core comic reason (ages 12-14) the greatest thing was seeing characters interact. We are 10+ films in, besides some necessary origin stories (Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, etc) as long they continue to branch into different genres.

5) Guardians of the Galaxy: A fantastic view into a completely different realm of the MCU that the Thor movies just couldn't do. If you don't love Chris Pratt after this movie, I'm speechless.

6) Avengers: Age of Ultron: This film gets better with the addition of CACW. These next couple of films have some serious flaws, but are still very enjoyable. Avengers AOU suffers under the weight of expectations and trying to fit a lot of phase 2 into it. As the more films are introduced into the MCU, this film will get better.

7) Ant-Man: Director changes can be seen. It is a really fun film but you can see the problems in it..

8) Captain America: First Avenger: Seeing how important Cap has become to the MCU (Which is not what they were planning on) This film is rushed, but a really great period film.

9) Thor: He is such an awesome character in the two Avenger films, it is a shame that he cannot get better solo outings. Hopefully Thor: Ragnarok can give him a story he deserves.

10) Iron Man 2/Iron Man 3/Thor 2:  Movies that suffer from trying to fit into the MCU while trying to be their own stand alone film.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Time to place a travel embargo on Europe

I know, I know, at least hear me out.

The only two countries that I have ever traveled to are Canada (which, lets be honest, does not count) and Costa Rica (in 1998). I would love to travel the world. Ireland, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Chile, Egypt, Israel and the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, we as Americans need to have the talk about potentially placing an embargo on ourselves from traveling overseas, in particularly Europe.  

I am sure you first thought after reading that sentence is "Barrett, there is no way I am going to let the terrorist win, I am going to live my life and no one is going to stop me!" Well pat yourself on the back. Sadly, I will probably be reading about your tragedy in my briefs in the future. I have gone back and forth with this very topic, because A) one of the things my wife and I talk about often is our desires to see the world and B) my wife has traveled abroad in the last 2 years to some of the places I am going to talk about. The straw that broke the camel's back for me as far as putting hand to keyboard is the tragic bombing of Egypt Air 804 on May 19th from Paris bound for Cairo. The fact is that Europe, crippled by liberal political correctness, cannot be counted on to place security above political correctness, and until that changes, incidents such as Egypt Air will continue. 

Let us try and take a 30,000 ft viewing of the situation that is happening in Europe. According to BBC news "More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, compared with just 280,000 the year before. The scale of the crisis continues, with more than 135,000 people arriving in the first two months of 2016." Of course the initial response to me will be "what do you want these countries to do? Turn away women and children?" That is another post for another day. There are several factors to consider when looking at this statement; 

  1. Why are they coming?

  2. What do they intend to do when they get here?

Why are they coming? In the case of these migrants and refugees, it is to escape the damage done by U.S and Western Interventionism? (I'm looking at you former Secretary of State Clinton) If that is the case then motives will play a huge factor in the following points. Progressives will the famously spout the line "we are a nation of immigrants" in the faces of people like me who oppose open door immigration policy. Partially their statement is correct, the majority of our population can trace their lineage to another country, but that is the end of the validity of their statement. Your parents, grandparents, great grandparents all willing came to the United States. Was their strife and discontent in their country, of course! I only have to cite my Irish linage and the great potato famine of1845-1849 as an example. However, when the choice was made, your ancestors as well as mine made the decision to come to a new country for the chance of a new start, and catered to the expectations of their new home. Did they take traditions with them, all I will ask is where were you on March 17th? The point of this seamlessly random tirade is demonstrate the problem in Europe.  Europe is allowing a massive influx of a people who do not share the same language, customs or religion with the native population. Their goal is not to integrate with the current culture, it is to REPLACE the current culture. They are coming to these countries by necessity, not choice. 

How many of you think what I just wrote was hate speech? OK, let’s expound upon that last point I made. They are coming to these countries because it is an exit out of their house that is on fire. They are not choosing these countries, which makes a huge difference. Think back to your ancestors. When they came to these United States, the expectation was that you learned English so you could find a job. If you objectively looked at what these migrants/refugees are doing in these new countries, it is eerily similar to what is referred to in Islam as a “Hijra”. According to Andrew Bieszad, “In Islamic law and applied theology, the idea of the hijra pertains to the movement of a group of Muslims from a predominately Muslim area to a predominately non-Muslim area, with the goal of establishing Islam’s dominance in it.” Now look at spread of sharia courts throughout Europe. Britain alone has 85 sharia courts. Instead of assimilation, this new wave of migrants has become the new authority.

This is all paranoid and Donald Trumpian Barrett, but what does that have to do with traveling to Europe? As this new population settles into their new surrounds, with no expectations of conformity, it impacts day to day life. The airport that Egypt Air few out of recently found that 57 employees with access to airliners were on a terror watch list, according to a report. I am not saying that every Muslim is a terrorist, but what about their relatives or associates? We have problems here in the U.S airline system, such as four former Delta Air Lines baggage workers -current and former- have been arrested for allegedly smuggling guns and ammunition from Atlanta to Brooklyn so you cannot tell me that when cultural pressures meet unchecked opportunity that a potential disaster is bound to happen.

Remember that Islam's self-stated purpose is to dominate and govern all men and their affairs through its religious teachings. Its followers are permitted to realize this goal by any means possible, for nothing is considered sinful so long as it is being done for the cause of Allah and the spread of Islam. All Muslims, regardless of how orthodox they are, have at least one time or another been introduced to this concept. While brave men like President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi are trying to led a reform, it will not come quickly or peacefully. Meaning events like Egypt Air, the Paris Terror attacks, and Cologne New Year’s gang assaults will increase.

My job is emergency management, the first thing you can do to avoid an emergency is to not place yourself in the situation to begin with. You can take this with a grain of salt, but I ask you to objectively look at this, you will see not all is well with our allies across the Atlantic. Maybe we should abstain from their countries until this is worked out.

Good Luck and Good Hunting.

March 15th, 2016

 Early yesterday morning, an Amtrak train derailed in rural southwest Kansas. 29 people were hurt, but no one seriously injured. This brings me to one of the principle focuses of this site, which is what to do when this happens? Where should I sit? What happens if the primary exits are inaccessible?

According to Robert Paaswell, Director of the University Transportation Research Center, and Director of the CUNY Institute of Urban Systems:
  • Passengers should avoid sitting in the first or last car, since they’re more likely to be hit, "If you're worried about a head on collision stay out of the first car," Paaswell said.
  • Passengers on a train should also take a seat where their backs are facing the direction of travel.
  • If the train crashes, those passengers will be thrust backwards instead of through the train car, he said.
  • Also you avoid seats that have luggage overhead, since fallen luggage can cause injuries or block exit paths.
  • Pick a seat on the aisle to avoid broken window glass or, in extreme situations, being thrown from the train.
  • Always have an escape plan. Take note of the nearest exit and make sure you know how to open the emergency window exits.
    • Look for an emergency exit or emergency door release switch. Be sure that you don’t just look for one, you need to double up (Remember this,  2=1 & 1=0)
    • If you cannot open the doors, look for an emergency exit window. Train windows are typically made with impact resistant glass: Don’t count on being able to break the window without a fire axe or sledge hammer.
  • Please remember that railroad accidents, particularly for passenger trains, are exceedingly rare.
  • If you do find yourself in this situation, you must remember a phrase that military shooters are made to remember “slow is smooth and smooth is fast”. There will be a rush, because people will panic and will think of their self-interest.
  • Take a moment, breath, get your bearings. You will do no service to yourself, your family and ultimately the people in the situation by turning into General Patton and either barking out orders or freaking out and stomping over everyone to the exit. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Good Luck and Good Hunting everyone.

Information obtained from articles: “Train collision in South Africa: How to survive a train crash (+video)” by Denise Hassanzade Ajiri as well as “How to Survive a Plane or Train Crash” by Matt Gutman and “10 Ways to Survive a Train Wreck” by Matthew Hogan

Emergency Management Vs Prepping: Is there a difference?

When discussing an aspect of Emergency Management, one of the key areas is preparation. While it is all fine and dandy to have preparation plans in place at the local, state and federal level, the reaction is much different at the home level. While many people are preppers, few actually are brave enough to speak about it in public. I'm pretty sure that we can thank "Doomsday Preppers" and David Koresh for that wonderful reputation that proceeds the term.

Truth is, you don't have to have to have an underground bunker and a room full of Wise food to be a prepper. (Although, I must confess, the more food that you do have, the better you will be when the time comes.) It is also NOT a bad idea to have a stock of food, water and things you find valuable (toilet paper, anyone?) because if you find yourself in the situation where the basic foundation of our infrastructure are gone (think hurricane, tornado, blizzard, etc) you cannot rely on the federal government. Why?

Government has always existed to create the lines for the box that is our society.  That being said, when an emergency management event happens, government does not care about you. Government's first job is to get those basic necessities of life back online. Such as, Electricity, Infrastructure (roads, waste disposal) and law and order. However, people have gotten the idea in their head that government exist to take care of them personally, which means they don't believe they are responsible for their own care. Sadly this is false. Government response to emergency situations is to get the box cleaned out and working again first, then to work to get people back to a state of normalcy after. You have to be prepared. I will touch on basic supplies in relation to location in future post, the summery of this post is to tell you that Emergency Management and Prepping are one in the same.

Overview and Origins of Homeland Security and how that impacts Emergency Management

Although the Department of Homeland Security is just over a decade old, the idea of protecting (not defending, which I will get into sometime down the line) The idea to "provide for the common defense" was one of the foundations the United States of America was built upon. One can find evidence of this in Article 1, Section Eight. Within Section Eight is subsection 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17:

 Article 6: To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

Article 10: To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

Article 11: To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

Article 12: To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

Article 13: To provide and maintain a navy;

Article 14: To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

Article 15: To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

Article 16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Article 17: To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;

 These powers were granted to the congress (not executive, but more on that later) by the governed is evidence that although defense against invasion was the top priority of the early remits of Homeland Defense, our Founders understood that not all threats come from other nations, but also  from outsides factors.
Which brings us to Emergency Management. It is the forgotten child of the Homeland Security Enterprise. While a focus should be on prevention, we have to accept that the Department of Homeland Security is run by human beings, and despite their best intention, cannot prevent every person with negative intentions from achieving their goals. One can point to the Boston Bombing in April of 2013 and the San Bernardino shootings in December of 2015 as successful plots that were executed here in the U.S.
Now that we have accepted this hard reality, and it is a hard reality, we can now take the necessary steps to secure ourselves and those close to us. That is the goal of this site, to help you stay informed and prepared. Because in the end, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.