Thursday, March 23, 2017

London has not fallen yet, but it is close

Yesterday we saw a gruesome display of what the west refuses to acknowledge. The clash of cultures has been an unmitigated disaster. What we are witnessing in Europe and in some places here in the Union is the result of the promotion of one culture to the detriment of another. Now I will go into the actual attack in a moment, but this does need to be said.

Events do not happen in a bubble.

When I was teaching history, the first thing I would tell my students is that nothing happens spontaneously, but are the culmination of actions that have take place, sometimes YEARS before (a prime example is the Boston Massacre was a result of Washington's ill fated raid on Fort Duquesne). Yesterday was another example of these events being set up far in advance. Look a the numbers, and if you can see past emotions, propaganda, and political correctness, you will see that this is only going to get worst, from The Guardian UK (keep in mind this article is 2 years old)

"The Muslim population of England and Wales is growing faster (2.71 million) than the overall population, with a higher proportion of children and a lower ratio of elderly people, according to an analysis of official data. 

One in three Muslims is under 15, compared with fewer than one in five overall. There are also fewer elderly Muslims, with 4% aged over 65, compared with 16% of the overall population.

Half the Muslims in England and Wales were born there and almost three-quarters (73%) identify themselves as British. Two-thirds of Muslims are ethnically Asian and 8% are white.

80% of Muslims live in inner-city areas of Greater London, the West Midlands, the north-west and Yorkshire and the Humber.

Eight per cent of all school-age children (five to 15) are from Muslim households."

The popular saying is that only small percentage of a given Muslim population supports the Sharia Law. Let's use a popular number, let say 3%. So if my math is correct, that is 81,300 Muslims that are walking around London at this very moment that support Sharia and all it represents. That means their are 81,300 Muslims that live in London that are either neutral or happy that their was an attack on the Houses of Parliament. Well, what if it is only 1 percent? Ok, then that leaves 27,100 Muslims in England that were happy about that. Compound that idea with the fact that the Muslim population is out producing the English population, I'll let you figure that out.

As far as the attack is concerned, the perpetrator used a Kia SUV "4X4", proving again that these acts do not need to be conducted with guns, or IED's or any of the things that are commonly associated with "terrorist attacks". You want to find out more information about this attack, see my post on the terror attack that took place in Nice, France. Until the root of the problem is addressed, this is all folly to examine and argue. Trust me, there will be more of these to come.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

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