Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Continued Escalation

Greetings to all, 

I came across an article, entitled "Lemons: Gun-Totin' Left-Wingers Demonstrate at the Arizona Capitol: Is Bloodshed on the Horizon?" This article split me in two, one part in hysterics and one part deeply concerned. In this article talks about how this is the beginning of the true escalation of the left following President Trump election. 

Here is what happened:

"40 or so assorted anarchists, Brown Berets, and members of a group calling itself the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club across the street from the state Capitol, openly armed to the proverbial teeth. The left-wingers, some of them masking their faces, some not. Many of them were armed with long guns. You know, just like the "patriot" groups." 

Now, do really care about a group of left-wing protestors deciding to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms, especially if they are in accordance with State and Local laws? Nope not at all, here is where I DO have a problem. 

The author of the article continued:

"While I was taking photographs of them, a woman approached me and told me that the group would not be granting interviews. She gave me a flier with a statement from something called the "Redneck Revolt," which according to the flier aims to "put the RED back in redneck."

This website is filled with your typical left-wing nonsense about "fighting white supremacy". The creation of this group is in clear response to the Democratic Party's loss of the "White Working Class Voters" in 2016. 

If you go to their "principles" page, you will see the another reinterpretation of the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. With the exception that now it is aimed squarely at white people. Most of it is nonsense, with the exception of "We are an aboveground Militant Formation", with the aim to: 

"We strongly believe in community defense, the basis of which must be meaningful involvement in our own communities, material support for other liberatory defense groups and survival programs, and an acceptance of the risk we take on when we commit to defending each other. Defense means more than just confrontation. Our relationships with our neighbors are strengthened by breaking bread together, knowing each other's families and struggles, and becoming accountable to one another. Most importantly, we are willing to take on personal risk to defend those in our community who live under the risk of reactionary violence because of their skin color, gender identity, sexuality, religion, or birth country. For us, that means that we meet our neighbors face-to-face, and stand alongside them to face threats whenever possible. We understand this means that we may also become targets ourselves and become known to their enemies, but we act always with the understanding that those who oppose liberty for all people are already our enemies. Power is built collectively through intentional relationships and networks with each other. The best security measures enable us to act militantly and from a position of strength, rather than preventing us from taking meaningful action"

Ladies and Gentleman this is narcissistic personality disorder, but now with guns. We have seen the rise of Black Lives Matter, Anti-Fa and now this. You must always mind your surroundings, because not only do these people feel they are fighting for a just cause, now they have given themselves just reason to do so. My real issue is that these people, who are driven by emotion, will end up causing a catastrophic event, resulting in terrible loss of life.

Stay Safe, Stay Ready 

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